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Documentary: Ziek Gespierd

In the documentary 'Ziek Gespierd' we follow the 23-year old Jorjen Neuman. He wants a sixpack, just like many other boys he sees on Instagram. Whilst pursuing this dream he gets an eating disorder. In this documentary he shows us the downside of social media and his struggle to recover. 


The documentary was broadcasted on national television and was discussed in several Dutch TV-talkshows. 




Directed by: Nina van Hattum, Joram    Bolle, Benjamin Kat

Camera: Shaun Leyden, Pieter Abrahams,Lou di Giorgio

Color correction: Gerhard van der Beek

Audio correction: Joost Oskamp


Featured on:  

BNNVARA, 2Doc, NPO3,,, Men's Health, Pakhuis de ZwijgerNPO Radio1 




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